Thursday, January 14, 2010

Espiritu Nuevo en la Habana Vieja

Below I reflect on being a tourist in La Habana, Cuba. Similar to the preceding post, I touch on how feelings of (in)sincerity,  economic disparity and apartheid awaken a great sense of discomfort in my being. I wonder what is on the horizon for Cuba-- politically and economically. Change is in the air, it seems-- but is there a collective direction? 

For some reason I seek to isolate when uncomfortable with the imposed barriers, accentuating them even more. Desire for sincerity ironically impedes my own, creating a bubble of mistrust and redundant suspicion. Idealism and cynicism interlock, muddling my objection to simply observe and be.


I don’t wish to incite jealousy in anyone; I wonder about incentives alternative to money, alternative to the possibility of seemingly eternal landscapes and alternative to starch egalitarianism.

Once you have everything you think you need, what comes next?

What common struggle outside of hegemonic well-being can be shared?

 What  can create and inspire the same creative and political energies?


1 comment:

  1. llama la atencion que este posting tan pensado y con profundidad no tenga comentarios...sera casualidad de ano nuevo, las post fiestas o que nos has dejado a todos pensativos... tu punto de la (in)sinceridad es tan importante y jamas se habla - de que se trata de verdad la hegemonia, y es posible en el ser humano? gracias pichi por pensar en voz alta y con tu voz hacernos pensar en voz alta a los besos y mil mas...mam
