So, over the past few months I have been doing what any good Me does when
presented with extra space:
As with 100% of the other kinds of stuff I seem to collect when I'm not Feng-Swayed
(terrible pun, sorry), I give le crap far too much meaning. Alas, the consume-less tagline that seems to work for most ("Keep only what is beautiful and useful"), only seems to have the opposite effect on me. "Beauty?" I ponder, as I pocket a name-tag that I confiscate from
a student who is colouring rather than listening to my glorious lesson on the days of the week.
"Marbles are useful" I muse, as I pry one out of the hands of a cursing 11-year-old who just finished slapping another well-spoken pre-teen in the face.
Sometimes le crap is given to me, rather than sto...I mean, confiscated. Like the smiling Mickey Mouse face given up for adoption by a clammy-palmed five-year-old: One day, she just realized that her Hannah Montana (pronounced "ANNA-UH, MON-TAN-AH-UH") pencil case was too confining a home for Mickey, and she handed him over to me.
Admittedly, the designer paper airplane was not a cadeau.... it's just that...well.... though I support all students with aerodynamic dreams, it became clear to me-- upon unveiling the image trapped in the folds of this engineering masterpiece-- that in this instance, my student was less focused on the aero than the dynamic part of his career. And that was simply not coo.
For those of you that have already begun to fret: don't. You can rest assured I will not be bringing le crap with me back to Vancouver.
Instead, I'll be mailing it directly to Toronto so it can be the first delivery of Un-Sway to Feng my new place in September.
PS The plastic mistletoe was a Christmas gift for "La Dame D'Anglais"-- the packaging already torn open. E-Bay be wanting my Klepducational Collection baaaaad.