Monday, March 29, 2010
The Drawer of Klepducational Wonders
Hold The Stress
Maybe you didn’t know you had it in you, but you do. They did. And so do I.
They picked up her car—all ten of them. One had been holding a lighter in his right hand for several minutes, the coarse metal beginning to wear on his thumb. Tender. It hurt but he liked how it felt when the heat seeped in through to his bloodstream.
The others (aside from the one that was still massaging his cell phone pad) flexed.
This was the moment they had been waiting for. All of those nights, standing in front of the mirror. Coconut oil on their pectorals: their big break.
Alexandra stood next to a wilting tree, eyes greener than yesterday. Bigger. Stunned.
“One, two, three, LIFT!”
Later that night, she would tell me, between fits of laughter, how the neighbourhood drug dealers (that had, six months earlier, thrown rocks at my very own personal stalker) had lifted her car out of the ditch. Now I’m the first to wave at them when I walk by their street corner.
They call me fat—all of them. Most of the time, the compliments come one right after the other:
1) My morning jog: thighs exposed to the woman at the kiosk who always invites me to her house and often throws recyclables under the bridge, into the un-water. “It’s right by the ocean!” she says, referring to home, pointing half-heartedly SouthWest. “Come by before you go to Canada. And hey, haven’t you gained weight?” She caresses her legs, implying I should watch mine, and then cackles, toothless.
2) Apres-lunch/avant-cours: the adorable child without the necessary diagnosis of ADHD yells out “LA CHINOISE, LA CHINOISE, LA CHINOISE!” and hugs me. His Special Ed teacher rolls her eyes, predicts my post-family-departure sadness, and there-there’s me with a “you’re a little chunkier now.”
3) Home time. So tired. Must. Stop. By. Neighbours’. House. To. Say. Hi. Otherwise. Am. Im.Po.Lite.
All I want is a hug, but I get a belly rub and “Let’s just say our little one is not so little anymore.”
I flip out. Unsuccessful.
The next few times I just laugh and respond “Maybe. Maybe you’re right” They laugh back.
Sometimes that’s all it takes.