Tuesday, October 20, 2009

pictures! more coming soon!

Above: the most photogenic picture in the world. From left to right: me with my classic double chin, (yes, i walked a bit too deep into the ocean) raquel: a spanish language assistant, benjamin: a friend from surf class, and estela: my roommate

Above: View of Les Saints (islands close by... where i will go this weekend!)


  1. Jealous!!
    BTW a colleague of mine is back home in Martinique at the moment.

  2. Mmmm gurrrl, I want to walk a bit too deep into the ocean wit chu! You look soo gorgy (y muy francesa!) in that ropa azul and the high waisted belt! Can't wait to hear all about your trip to 'the Saints'!

    A proper e-meal to come soon ma puce! Like Kensh-dawg, have been reading your blog religiosa-ous-ly and miss you like a mad woman misses her sanity!

    Cuidate mucho,
    your Les Zeuster foreva!
